But, enough about books. . . what else do you read?? Magazines? Newspapers? Professional journals? Cereal boxes? Phone books? Purchase invoices? Homework?
(Please be specific. There may be a test later.)
I am a confessed magazine junkie. I read Oprah when I'm trying to pretend to be peaceful, Family Circle and Women's Day when I like to pretend that I'm actually going to try all those recipes I cut out, Family Fun when I like to pretend that I will have the time to be crafty with the kids, Real Simple cause I like to fake at being all organized and stuff and Newsweek and Natioanl Geographic when I want to play at being smart. I will also go to the library and just pick out magazines with headlines that catch my attention.
I like to read zines. I really haven't been able to afford any lately, but I like to just go to distros and pick up some that sound interesting. Homespun, East Village Inky are good ones.
I will pick up an occasional newspaper and read it. I usually just do the crossword, but every once in a blue moon I'll actually read one of the articles.
I have also been know to read bumper stickers, license plates, menus, cereal boxes, owner's manuals, food packaging, soda cans and misc papers found on the street.